The Council – Full Season Review

The Council is what Telltale games could have only ever dreamed of becoming

Soulja Boy strikes again; famous rapper resells Chinese Fuze console

Rapper Soulja Boy wasn’t content with selling just two phony consoles earlier this week. After controversy struck with the “release” of the SouljaGame Console and Handheld, the rapper has cranked out another console. SouljaGame Fuze is the newest and most expensive console on Soulja Boy’s Soulja Watch website. With a price tag of $639.98, on sale for $399.99, the Fuze console is a rather pric...[Read More]

Gungrave VR – A grave mistake?

For a woefully short game, it certainly isn't worth the price that it is on sale for, you will be finished within an hour or 2 feeling ripped off.

Sony May Have Just Accidentally Revealed The Playercounts Of Every PS4 Game

No, don’t worry, this isn’t another PSN hack or data breach, but someone does seem to have failed to understand the implications of something they designed for Sony

Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden – Review

From the outset, you know you are in for a world of hurt when the difficulty options are Normal, Hard and Very Hard.

REVIEW: SuperPixelRacers (PS4)

Thank goodness someone has eventually brought back the excitement of the 80's/90's arcade racers.

Youtubers Life – OMG Edition Review

make videos, build the hype, milk the most views and rake in that easy money

Dakar 18 First DLC celebrates the DAKAR Series 

Desafío Ruta 40 Rally as new challenge! Bigmoon Entertainment announces the upcoming DLC Dakar Series: Desafío Ruta 40 for their open world cross country rally simulation Dakar 18 which was released for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC September 2018. The DLC will be free for all owners of Dakar 18 for a limited amount of time. The “Desafío Ruta 40 Rally” is part of the world-famous “Dakar Series”, ...[Read More]

REVIEW: Lets Sing 2019 (ps4)

This is most certainly a game I would never go for under normal circumstances. I’ve never been one for dancing around the living room in front of the PS4 camera (Just Dance) or singing into a USB microphone to a computer game.. Ever. I guess the main reasons for this are simple enough, I’m just not into the awful music that fills our charts these days, not to mention the noise of it blasting out o...[Read More]

Secret Files series heading to Nintendo Switch

Deep Silver announces today that the critically acclaimed adventure series Secret Files is to be released on Nintendo Switch.

REVIEW: Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics (Xbox One)

Based on the hugely popular tabletop RPG by Modiphius Entertainment, Auroch Digital and Ripstone Games have attempted to bring this occult turn-based strategy game to consoles.


Codemasters has today revealed the additional content that players will receive in the retail versions of the DiRT Rally 2.0 Day One Edition. Players will get early access to different cars within the game plus exclusive pre-order incentives of its forthcoming off road racer, DiRT Rally 2.0 Releasing worldwide on the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, the Xbox One family of devices inclu...[Read More]

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