I wouldn’t normally go ahead and write an article like this, but I thought it right to stand on my very own soapbox and put my opinions out about the controversy that seems to have happened in the last week since Sony and PlayStation announced exactly what the free games for PlayStation Plus members were going to be. If you are unaware of what has been going on, have you been living under a ...

Some PlayStation 4 consoles have reportedly been rendered inoperable by the latest software update. The 7.50 firmware allegedly forces some consoles into a boot loop. Other users state that their disk drives stopped working after installing the update. With all the attention focused on the upcoming PlayStation 5, it can be quite easy to forget about its predecessor. The PlayStation 4 just received...

Stay safe and pick up Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection and Journey for free from 16th April through 6th May From Jim Ryan, President & CEO, SIE. People all over the world are doing the right thing by staying home to help contain the spread of COVID-19. We are deeply grateful to everyone practicing physical distancing and take our responsibility as a home entertainment platform seriously,...

From the outset, you know you are in for a world of hurt when the difficulty options are Normal, Hard and Very Hard.

The spirit of old school arcade racing is reborn in a homage to everything from OutRun to Lotus Turbo Challenge, and is just as much fun as you remember.

Telltale Games Is Shutting Down It was a sad and shocking announcement that sent waves through the industry. How could this have happened and what happens next? Here’s what happened… March 2017: Telltale CEO and founder Kevin Bruner announces he is leaving the company. It is later reported that Bruner was forced out as he clashed with the company’s board of directors. Telltale...

Review: Welcome to Hanwell (ps4).

Reviewer’s note: The second and third pictures below are saved screenshots of my gameplay experience in Welcome to Hanwell. They were uploaded from my ps4 to my Twitter then saved to my laptop via Windows 10 Snipping Tool and uploaded to AIR for this article. Any loss in fidelity or crispness of images is from the compression/decompression process and not a reflection of the game, which look...

Motion Twin officially announces released of Dead Cells for PS4, XBO and Switch in 2018

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of one of the world’s most popular video game series of all time, Capcom has announced the ultimate tribute to the Street Fighterarcade legacy in the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Windows PC coming in May 2018. The collection highlights the series’ past in this antholo...

Blue Wizard Digital has just released the console version of their indie puzzle title Slayaway Camp on PlayStation 4.  Launched last October on Steam, the title has also been ported to iOS (February) and Android (June), but it now comes to Sony’s console in an expanded and very pretty edition as Slayaway Camp: Butcher’s Cut.  AIR Entertainment was given a review code for the title and ...

Asymmetrical action and horror games have been on the rise in recent years, with titles like Evolve, Friday the 13th and Dead by Daylight released on Sony’s and Microsoft’s consoles and several games on the Wii U offering asymmetrical action as well, such as Bowser Party mode in Mario Party 10.  With any emerging subgenre there are bound to be bumps o...

A year ago today, Sony released PlayStation VR, a major gamble for a console publisher commonly known for giving up on its hardware peripherals – in fact if it weren’t for PSVR, my PlayStation Move controller would still be collecting dust with its nunchuck counterpart and my Wonderbook (remember that?).  Since then, over 100 games have been released for the virtual reality system...

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