Team Silent and Combating Technical Limitations

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of one of the world’s most popular video game series of all time, Capcom has announced the ultimate tribute to the Street Fighterarcade legacy in the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Windows PC coming in May 2018. The collection highlights the series’ past in this antholo...

After years of waiting, Daedalic Entertainment have brought console users the joys of now being able to play a game which was initially released in 2012 on PC. The new release see’s the main character Rufus make his return. I personally havent played the original game release, but was ensured that I wouldnt need any knowledge of the first game to be able to play this as it contains...

Legendary Series Returns in 2018 with Brand New Mega Man 11 Game and Legacy Titles for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC

Polyphony have always pushed the limits with graphics whichever generation of PlayStation they have used

Earlier in the week, our writer Affie Lockhart got his hands on the Wii U version thanks to the kind guys at SnowCastle Games and after reading his review, I had to get my hands on the PS4 version to see what it was all about. I’m so greatful to the team at SnowCastle Games who had no problems in sending me a review code as I really love this game. So, who are SnowCastle Games I hear you ask...

Cyan, Inc., was started by brothers Rand and Robyn Miller in 1987.  Four years later they began working on the groundbreaking title Myst, which, together with its first sequel Riven, sold more than 12 million copies – making them the best-selling computer games of the 20th century.  It was a monumental achievement in gameplay and style, inspiring countless titles that followed in its footste...

The announcement for Resident Evil 7 BioHazard Gold Edition has literally just gone live, and here it is for our readers.. Not much is being given away as far as news so far, but the gold edition will be realeased 12/12/2017 just in time for Christmas at the same time as the long awaited Not a Hero DLC will be made available to everyone as well as End of Zoe. Here’s what we do know so far fr...

Unique fusion of a top down shooter and tower defense strategy. You are the X-Morph – an alien species that invades Earth to harvest its resources and terraform the surface. Strategize in the build mode by carefully selecting various types of alien towers or throw yourself right into heat of the battle. Build mazes for incoming enemies in an environment that provides exceptional planning fre...

PlayStation Plus Free Games for September 2017

The summer is nearly over, school starts within the next few weeks, if not already, and the days will become shorter and cooler. Escape the inevitable fall decline by launching yourself into space to manage your own colony with StellarHub from Casualogic.

We take a look at some gaming literature, The Broken Paragon by Jonny Lupsha

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