Chatting to Pea Head Games about all things Neon Sword

Chatting to Pea Head Games about all things Neon Sword

For those long-term readers of AIR Entertainment posts, you will remember that we did an interview a while back with Japes from Pea Head Games. Almost a year has passed since then and there has been some changes with regards to Neon Sword. Time to find out more..


Welcome back to AIR Entertainment JP. For those readers who aren’t sure of who you are, please introduce yourself and Pea Head Games

Well I’m Japes. I’m 31 years young, father and husband now (still sounds strange), I started Pea Head Games a couple of years ago to focus on creating and releasing Neon Sword.

So you started Pea Head Games a couple of years ago? Is it just you on board or do you have a team behind you?

Well, when I started it was just me working alone with no input from anyone. After a while I started a social media page which gained a small following and led me to meeting the people who are now a big part of Neon Sword.


Want to drop any names of who are part of the creative team?

Well we have a lot of people behind the scenes now but the main people are yourself obviously, helping with voice acting and story writing. Joey is doing our sound and I can’t praise him enough. No matter what I demand of him he comes back with pure art and often better than I ever envisaged. Shaun Jooste, who is working on something big for Neon Sword, but that is to be revealed at a slightly later date and I will release the news via AIR. There’s so many other names, but I’ll just throw a few names here of people who have helped along the way.. Paul and Julie Timlin, Luke and of course my wife Sabina who is my biggest critic lol.

So, Neon Sword. I have heard that you are no longer with the publishing team that you started out with. I wont go into any details of that, but where are you now as far as the development is concerned. Is there a possible release date in sight?

Development is progressing faster than ever and Neon Sword is starting to look more beautiful for a low poly game everyday. As for release, I’d love to pinpoint a date and say this is it, but I don’t want to say anything publicly yet. I do have a plan set in place and a roundabout time in my head but I’m quiet a perfectionist when it comes to Neon Sword and refuse to be rushed. It has to be right before the world gets to see it and gets hands on with it, there’s nothing worse than a game released which is constantly having to be fixed via updates.


Give us a quick rundown of the story to Neon Sword if possible?
Basically something bad happens to a friend of the player. From that point on the story can go in multiple directions based on the players choice and how the interact with different NPCs they will meet within Quaid City. I don’t want to give too much away just yet.
How are you doing for funding? It can’t be easy building a game by yourself, is there any way that people can help?
I have been using my own personal funds that had been set aside, but now we are currently using brightlocker and very soon heading to Kickstarter. Even though I am programming and modelling alone, I have writers helping with the story. Our website (link above) is a great place to read some of the game lore, and we currently have a novel which is in the process of being written which I can’t wait to see myself.

Thanks to Japes for giving up some time in his busy schedule to answer a few questions for us, I know personally how much effort is going in to building this game as I’m working on parts of it myself, not to mention myself and Shaun will be adding our voices to the finished game.

If you want to know more about the progression then Pea Head Games can be followed on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Hopefully we will see a full release of Neon Sword this year for Steam, and followed closely by its release on PS4 and Xbox which is the plan.

Gamer since the age of 2 when I was introduced to the Dragon 64. Age is just a number, in my head I will be forever young


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