So there are some genres of games I’m just not good at.  Have you ever seen me play the NBA games by 2k?  I set it on Very Easy and I still manage to lose.  And it’s not a close game.  Now, this is entirely my fault – there’s some kind of interface or fundamental gameplay mechanic that I’m just not getting, even though basketball is great (go Bulls!). The other genre ...

Ever since the original Geometry Wars came packaged with Project Gotham Racing 2 in 2003, twin-stick shooters – branching out of classic arcade shooter games – has gained a lot of steam.  Housemarque continued to break boundaries in the arcade/twin-stick genre with their PlayStation 3 debut Super Stardust, wrapping the level around a planet, before experimenting more with level design ...

On October 20th, the mobile puzzler Spiral Splatter will be released for PS4 and PSVita.  Originally developed by Luc Versleijen and Neonchimp Games, this port is handled by Neonchimp Games and Sometimes You.  Let’s get straight to it. Spiral Splatter is a straightforward puzzle title in which you must guide a white circle through each level to its goal, a gray-and-w...

Its good to know that the PS Vita still isnt dead and that Indie Developers are still taking a chance with the hand-held. Sometimes You is one of those developers, and I for one am glad we are starting to get some fresh titles coming through. Save the Ninja Clan has been around for a while now on the PS4 and Xbox one but is now coming to the Vita on October the 6th. Now, don’t get me wrong, ...

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