Red Dead Redemption 2: New Trailer and Screenshots

Red Dead Redemption 2: New Trailer and Screenshots

In what can only be described as an exciting week for those of us who are eagerly anticipating the release of Red Dead 2, Rockstar Games dropped an all new trailer on us 2 days ago


And now, they have also released some beautiful new screenshots. I wont bore you all with my chatting, I will just let you all enjoy


RDR2_Screenshot 015RDR2_Screenshot 016RDR2_Screenshot 017RDR2_Screenshot 018RDR2_Screenshot 019RDR2_Screenshot 020RDR2_Screenshot 021RDR2_Screenshot 022RDR2_Screenshot 023RDR2_Screenshot 024RDR2_Screenshot 025RDR2_Screenshot 026RDR2_Screenshot 040


Gamer since the age of 2 when I was introduced to the Dragon 64. Age is just a number, in my head I will be forever young

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